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  • Does Mindful Canine do service dog or therapy dog training?
    Mindful Canine does not specialize in service dog, therapy dog, or medical alert dog training. While Mindful Canine trainers may be able to aid in the training process of specific skills or tasks that service or therapy dogs may need in their repertoire, Mindful Canine does not certify or approve dogs for service or therapy work. Since most service, therapy, and medical alert dogs are specifically bred and selected for service tasks, then typically trained intensively by professionals over a period of two to three years, Mindful Canine cannot guarantee a successful outcome for handlers with pet dogs that they wish to convert to working dogs. Mindful Canine can assist in working dog prep and help dogs pursue obedience skills pre-requisite of service or therapy work.
  • How much does training cost? How long does it take?
    Every dog is at a different starting point and learns at a different rate. Training needs are unique to each client depending on what the goals are, how much time is spent practicing by the owner outside of lessons, and what behavioral challenges or setbacks each dog has. Each training option (including single sessions) starts with a $20 consultation where we give you personalized recommendations based on your dog's environment, routine and behavior- as well as recommend a training option that is right for you! You can take a look at our training service menu to get an idea of what various scenarios might cost here:
  • How do I know which training option is best for me?
    A Mindful Canine trainer can recommend a training package that is a good fit for your needs once they assess your case during your training consultation. Every training case will vary in terms of time and cost required to resolve or make progress on behavioral goals. The final decision is up to you, but goalposts may need adjustment if you decide to go with a different option. You can see some basic information about which training projects might fit best in different training packs here:
  • Can Mindful Canine work with a multiple dog household?
    While we can help you to successfully manage a multi-dog household and work toward a resolution for multiple dogs, generally training is done with one dog at a time unless dogs already have strong basic or intermediate obedience skills. If you have multiple dogs that need to be trained, you will need to follow through with teaching skills covered with one dog in sessions to the rest of your dogs. If you are enrolled in Homeschool, you can discuss with your trainer how training between multiple dogs will be distributed during trainer visits and what you need to personally do throughout the week. Since Mindful Canine bills per visit, there is no additional cost if you have a multi-dog household.
  • Does Mindful Canine do "board & train"?
    Mindful Canine does not offer board and train services at this time. Mindful Canine is a mobile company that does not have a physical location. In addition to offering private training lessons with clients and their dogs, Mindful Canine offers a hybrid program called "Homeschool" as an affordable, fun, and safe alternative to traditional board and train programs. Mindful Canine staff visit your home for about an hour each day, five days a week for several weeks at a time (or other customized arrangement) and personally work with your dog(s). On the last day of the week, the trainer holds a session with the owner and teaches them how to use what the dog has learned. Owners will still need to do training exercises with their dog(s), but Mindful Canine does the heavy lifting to develop skills as quickly as possible. This program works best when owners are away at work to keep distractions low, but it is not a requirement. The time needed to reach or make significant progress toward training goals will vary on a case by case basis. This program is a great option for people who need more help with training, don't have time to train but do have time for enrichment and maintaining skills learned in Homeschool, or have complex cases. This is a gentler, in-depth approach to extensive training because your dog will remain in their familiar home environment. Teaching skills in the setting that they will be applied long term can be optimal for skill retention over being sent to an unfamiliar setting that lacks owner support. Owners can have a more active role in their dog's ongoing development and have more understanding and control over how their dog is being taught. This program is designed with your dog's wellbeing in mind.
  • What training methods does Mindful Canine use?
    Each of us at Mindful Canine each have unique strategies and influences that vary case by case. Because we are a team of two, we can best apply our strengths wherever they are needed to support our clients according to their needs and wishes. It is important to us that we are using methods that align with dog guardian expectations and support their values and preferences. Dog training/behavior change, as well as the application of various tools, is highly nuanced. We can offer specifically positive, LIMA compliant, or balanced training plans by owner request provided that the method is appropriate per each individual dog. Specific strategies will vary from case to case (D/CC, LAT, shaping, capturing, luring, molding, modeling, operant skill based protocols, "treat & retreat", patterning, DRO/DRA, habituation, BAT, Posture Facilitated Relaxation, self directed settling such as Behavioral Down, Premack, CAT, Circling, extinction etc), and we can discuss with you the scientific basis and functions that apply as well as the pros and cons of various options. Our overall methodology is both skills based and relationship focused, and rooted in full-spectrum scientific learning theory (classical and operant conditioning) and principles. Although outcomes are important, we prioritize addressing underlying causes of behavior such as emotional factors, natural instincts and drives, health/wellness influences, and enrichment deficits. We care about the experience that the canine learner is having- we aim for a learning environment that sets learners up for success and has cooperative and fun overtones as much as possible. We also value a holistic approach of enrichment and biological fulfillment as part of our training approach. To find out more about individual trainer differences, visit our About page here:
  • Where does training take place? Is there a virtual option?
    Training location is based on your dog's training plan. Most often, this starts in the home and branches out to other locations the dog currently visits or may visit in the future. This may also include "problem spots" such as a park, trail, or walk-route where difficult behavior such as reactivity is happening. Some locations, such as a local dog park or department store, may not be safe or realistic for individual training needs and is up to the discretion of the trainer. Your trainer will either meet you at your home at your appointment date and time or have you meet them at an agreed upon location. Nearly all initial consultations are held in the dog's home environment or virtually. Mindful Canine is a mobile business that does not currently have a brick and mortar training studio. Virtual services are available for many training scenarios upon request or as prescribed by a trainer.
  • Does Mindful Canine train cats?
    Technically, yes. But typically only a consultation is needed. The pace and feel of cat training can be different in some ways than dog training. Generally, most cat problems can be dealt with through changes in management, routine, and environmental setup. We can assist with training specific skills or tricks as needed where management alone is not applicable. We are happy to work with cats more in-depth at the same rates we have for dogs. To find out those rates, call us or visit:
  • What training problems and projects does Mindful Canine work on?
    While every case will vary (and some cases may need referral to a veterinary behaviorist or other specialist), here are some of the common issues or training projects that we can assist with: Problem Behavior: -Marking and house-soiling -Reactivity, aggression, & frustration -Fear Behaviors (avoidance, submissive urination, etc) -Barking -Jumping -Lunging -Pulling -Digging -Chasing -Humping -Nipping or Biting -Jumping Up -Running away & door-darting -Chewing or destroying -Separation Distress & Separation Anxiety -Resource guarding -Chasing or harassing other pets -Counter-surfing & food begging Foundations: -Puppy training -Potty training/ house-breaking -Play rules (rough play, safe tugging, etc) -Puppy chewing & biting -Targeting/ Hand touch -Watch/Look -Food motivation -Socialization Basic Training: -Come/Recall -Body positions: sit, down, stand -Stay -Leave It -Targeting/ Hand touch -Place/ Stationing -Drop it/ give it/ trade Intermediate Training -Heel -Loose leash walking -Come/ recall with distractions -Respond to cues or commands at a distance -Stay (and other duration concepts) -Greeting behaviors Advanced Training -Public access -Off leash reliability -Retrieves -Down on recall, Sit on recall -Fine tuning sloppy, slow, or incorrect responses Husbandry and other skills: -Crate training and absence training -Relaxation -Enrichment and exercise -Nail trimming -Pilling, eye-dropping, shots, and bandages -Stress-free bathing -Cooperative dental care -Offer a paw -Car rides and travel Tricks and games -High five -Spin -Jump over -Paws up -Dance -Play dead (Bang!) -Fetch -Find it -Pattern games -Speak -Retrieve -Intro to scent-work
  • Does training have to happen on a set schedule? Can I reschedule or skip weeks?
    While training does not have to happen on a set weekly schedule, we try to keep you on a regular interval visit schedule as much as possible because this supports better results and fosters accountability. Life happens! There will be times that you need to reschedule and we may need to as well. But for the sake of progress, creating realistic scheduling opportunities for other clients, and training retention, we do have some rules about rescheduling and those can be located in our terms and conditions. There are many situations where a biweekly or even monthly visit schedule makes more sense for what is being worked on.
  • What kind of training tools does Mindful Canine use?
    Mindful Canine trainers each have their own unique preferences for tool use, which will vary on a case-to-case basis in favor of what is most safe and effective for each training scenario. All methods and tool applications are rooted in science with the well-being of the canine learner and their human owner in mind (see FAQ for methods overview). All training tools are explained in detail and owner-approved before used in training. Tools such as traditional or front-clip harnesses, head halters, slip leads, traffic leads, martingale collars, event markers such as clickers or whistles, tone and/or vibration emitters, electronic remote food dispensers, electronic collars, prong collars, platforms, standard leads and long lines, retractable leads and back-ties, muzzles, gates and kennels, toys, naturally occurring stimuli, and more may be selected for training. Mindful Canine is happy to exclude the use of any tool that a dog owner does not wish to use, as long as doing so does not pose a danger to the dog (for example, an owner is welcome to decline the use of an e-collar, but may not decline the use of a long line or standard leash in a public setting if the dog does not have a reliable recall skill). There is no singular training tool that guarantees reliable behavior change, including the use of high value food. If you have questions or concerns about which training tools are appropriate for your dog, reach out to a Mindful Canine trainer.
  • What is the difference between Private Lessons, Homeschool, and Community Seminars?
    We offer a range of programs to meet your unique training needs. Private Lessons are weekly or bi-weekly lessons with you (the owner) that focus on your relationship and lifestyle with your dog. You learn to teach your dog skills that will improve your life together. Between lessons, you work on the training lesson we worked on in the previous session. Homeschool is a combination of traditional board & train and private lessons, focused on skill building and enrichment. We come to your home on an agreed upon schedule and work personally with your dog, then transfer the learned skills to you at the end of the training week and explain any changes you need to implement to make the training stick. Community Classes are low cost seminars intended to make quality information about dog training and husbandry accessible to everyone. These classes are by registration only and are a visual (slideshow) presentation intended for adult audiences (dogs not allowed). Visit the individual pages on our website for each program to find out more about the services we offer. If you are not sure which route will be best for you, we'd love to discuss it with you in a consultation.
  • Does Mindful Canine take in animals?
    Mindful Canine is a for-profit business that does not adopt or foster dogs or cats. We do volunteer work with local rescue groups that adopt or rescue animals, but we are not involved with that process.
  • How do I pay for services?
    Mindful Canine accepts cash, check, and Venmo for all services. Some services, such as training programs, are billed in advance. Others, such as walking, will be billed at regular intervals after services are performed.
  • Does Mindful Canine help facilitate rehoming or the purchase of dogs?
    Although Mindful Canine staff may occasionally aid in the rehoming of client animals under extenuating circumstances, it is not typical. We do not rehome pets "for" people, but we may make recommendations on how to find a good fit. We may aid in the process of matching owners with new dogs and give recommendations about where to source them, what to look for in candidates for maximum compatibility, etc, but we are not involved in the transactional aspect of the purchase or adoption of dogs or cats.
  • Does Mindful Canine partner with shelters?
    Yes! Mindful Canine staff partner with local shelters and help to clean enclosures and train dogs on a volunteer basis. Although we support the choice to purchase quality dogs from experienced and responsible private breeders, we are also dedicated to supporting shelter pets in need. We offer free consultations to animals adopted from a local shelter within the last 60-days to ensure that they settle in and recover from their shelter experience. Our current shelter partners are Cedar City Animal Adoption Center and RSQ Saint George.
  • Does Mindful Canine hire people with animal experience?
    Although we would love to have a full volume training and wellness center in the future, Mindful Canine is currently only a partnership and is not seeking any paid additional staff members at this time.
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