It was just about four years ago that Emmah and I flipped the corporate world the bird and left our steady jobs at a chain retail pet store to chase our shared dream of professional dog training. Shortly before leaving, we had starting having small get togethers between dog friends from the store and calling it a "Pack Walk." Shortly after our narrow escape from corporate, we organized one final Pack Walk, where we celebrated our new endeavor and talked about where we wanted to take our future company. In fact, most of our company took shape in outdoor setting walking with our cherished dogs.
Since then life has changed and gotten busy for all of us, and Emmah and I have not been out with that group for a long time. But I haven't stopped thinking about those early days and our Pack Walks together because I just got so much from it! There is something about finding your tribe of people, or at least those with a pretty heavy shared interest or experience, that can make your life feel full. These days I spend most of my time coaching others, so I have really been craving some kind of space where I could mostly just be another dog person and spend some quality time with my own dog.
So pack walks for the Mindful Canine community were born!
It was honestly a dream come true to see a bunch of passionate people with a shared love of dogs getting together and setting aside any potential political outrage, background, and differences to come together and share our best friends with each other. I genuinely had a great time simply as a "dog mom" (or dad, in a few cases) and not be wearing my trainer hat. There was no judgement, no arguing, no animosity. Everyone's dog had their "moments" (especially mine). Just a bunch of incredible dogs and incredible people, doing their own thing together.
When I first scheduled this walk for the community, I was worried that November was too late in the year. Would it be too cold? To dark? Would people show up? Would there be problems? And you know what- I think November was actually perfect. It was the pick me up and the hope and the connection we all needed.
I am so grateful for each of you that attended out first Pack Walk because you manifested my dream that I have been hanging onto for many years. This is the community that we dreamed of those years ago- the community we have been building one dog and one day at a time.
And this is just the beginning!
If you weren't able to come out to our first Pack Walk in Cedar City, stay up to date with our calendar so we can see you at the next one! We'd love to be a part of your dog dreams!