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Cedar City Dog Training: Dog Friendly Businesses & Restaurants in Cedar City Utah


Updated: Nov 26, 2024

As fall gives way to winter, many of us are taking cover indoors- much to the dismay of our dogs! If you are like me and hate being out in the cold, there are still plenty of opportunities to get your dog out and about if you are creative enough. Winter is actually a great opportunity to shift focus from hiking and play to training. Shifting activities with the seasons is a great way to maintain balance in your dog's life.

Before I list all of my favorite dog friendly businesses (that exist at the time of this post), I would be remiss if I did not talk about public dog etiquette, safety, and decision making. Just because you can bring your dog everywhere with you does not mean you should! I'll cover the topic of service dogs and emotional support animals and their nuances at a later time- but for now let's just stick with the honor code. If non-service dogs (pet dogs) are truly welcome at a location and you're feeling good about bringing Fido along for an errand, ask yourself the following:

  1. Is Fido likely to urine mark or have an accident indoors for any reason? If an accident occurs, would it pose a serious cleanup problem (if there is carpet vs hard flooring, or an area where sanitation really matters, etc).

  2. Is Fido able to focus on you, heel, sit, down, stay, and come in new and over-stimulating environments? Basically, is Fido ready to listen to you no matter what? If Fido isn't ready to listen, do you have training protocols and plans to make that happen?

  3. Is Fido clean and well maintained? If Fido is full of dirt, has matted or stinky fur, is shedding excessively, has foxtails and allergens, etc think carefully about how that could harm the overall atmosphere of a business.

  4. Is Fido able to be neutral and quiet around other dogs and people? Sorry, but no one thinks a dog barking or being disruptive in a coffee shop is cute.

  5. Is there plenty of space for people who are afraid of dogs or allergic to them to avoid you?

Just remember that being able to bring your pet dog along with you is a privilege, not a right. Remember that people with bona-fide medical disabilities that need a service dog to address that specific medical (not emotional support) need suffer greatly as a result of fraudulent service dogs. NEVER present your dog as a service dog unless the dog performs a specific task that addresses a specific medical problem. Also remember that businesses are doing business- they are not a playland designed for you and your dog. Always be kind and leave if a staff member expresses concerns about the presence or behavior of your pet dog. Always have your dog on a leash!

Okay- now that I have my soapbox speech out of the way, let's get on to the list! This is by no means a complete list of places- it's just off the top of my head with a few additions from people I know. Have fun out there training!


Home Depot

Ace Hardware

Harbor Freight


Cal Ranch



Bristlecone (inside and patio)

The Grind (inside and patio)

Silver Silo (patio only)

Dutch Bros (get a "pup cup" in the drive through)

Lizzie & Lola's (get a "pup cup" in the drive through)


Centro (patio only)

Pizza Cart (patio only)

Duck Creek Pub & Grill (patio only)

Chef Alfredo's (patio only)

The Pub (patio only)

Cafe Sabor (patio only)

DC Pub and Grill (patio only)

Market Grill (inside)

Dairy Queen (patio only)

Culver's (patio only) The French Spot (patio only)

Great Harvest (patio only)

Park Place Eatery (patio only)




Love's Travel Stop and Dog Park Joann Fabric Store

Cedar City Auto Repair

Jiffy Lube

Fizz (get a "pup cup" in the drive through)

Judd Pumpkin Patch

TJ Maxx


IG Winery

Policy Kings

Cedar Drug and Gift

Irons in the Fire Emporium

Bookdom Apothecary

Remember that things can always change! I cannot guarantee that these places will always welcome dogs after this is initially published. I will try to keep this post updated as much as possible. You can always check if you don't know an area well and want to find out at least on a surface level where your dog is allowed. Since things can change, it's always best to call ahead and make sure your dog is still welcome when relying on third party websites.

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